Bharti Airtel launched the Platinum 3G network for customers in Haryana and it will boost indoor network coverage, enhance voice clarity, deliver faster Internet speeds. Earlier Platinum 3G network launched in Odisha. If you do not know, Platinum 3G Network offer superior network experience for customers and optimize the backend engagement between the network & mobile device. This results in extended battery life on their phone across Ambala, Panipat, Karnal, Hisar, Rohtak, Sonipat, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Kaithal and Jind in first phase.
Commenting on the launch of Platinum 3G, Manu Sood, Hub CEO –Upper North, Bharti Airtel said,
“As a leader in the telecommunication space, it is our endeavor at Airtel to consistently innovate and make investments that help us move closer to our vision of delivering a seamless network experience to our customers. The launch of Platinum 3G is an integral part of this commitment and will deliver enhanced voice as well as data connectivity for customers – at existing 3G tariffs. We now invite data savvy customers across 10 towns in Haryana to enjoy Airtel Platinum 3G and experience our world class ‘Smartphone Network’.”
Already Airtel introduced the 4G services across Ambala, Panipat, Karnal, Hisar, Rohtak, Sonipat and Yamunaagar and now the Airtel 4G & Platinum 3G both network available in these towns.