Bharti Airtel has announced that they will offer iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus smartphone in India. Airtel has already started taking pre-orders for the new iPhones at its stores and will be start selling them from October 16th through 235 of its retails stores across the country, which is also the launch date of the new iPhones in India.
Srini Gopalan, Director – Consumer Business, Bharti Airtel, said:
“We are beyond thrilled to offer iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, two of the most iconic developments in technology this year, at Bharti Airtel’s 235 retail stores across India. With the rise of 4G services, we expect new iPhone customers to enjoy a world-class experience on Bharti Airtel.”
Airtel also launched the new iPhone infinity plans in India and it offers 60GB of free 4G data over 12 months or 5GB of free 4G data per month for 12 months for iPhone 6S and 6S Plus customers for those who subscribe for any of the infinity plans. This will save customers Rs. 15,000 on their monthly bill, as said in a press note.
For this, customers need to visit from their new iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus to activate the offer. New iPhones will be available for purchase from Bharti Airtel retail shops in
If you do not know, the new iPhones introduce Live Photos, which bring still images to life, transforming instants frozen in time into unforgettable living memories. Live Photos, 3D Touch, 12-megapixel iSight camera, 5-megapixel FaceTime HD camera with Retina Flash and more are powered by the Apple-designed A9 chip, the most advanced chip ever in a smartphone, delivering faster performance and great battery life. iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are designed from the strongest glass on any smartphone and 7000 series aluminium the same alloy used in the aerospace industry, in gorgeous metallic finishes that now include rose gold.